PACKAGE NAME: Eterm-0.9.5-i486-1rha.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: x11/terms/eterm PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 633 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1860 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: libast >= 0.7,imlib2 >= 1.4.1 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: Eterm: Eterm by Slack.Sarava Eterm: Eterm (An X11 VT102 emulator with Enlightenment features) Eterm: Eterm: Eterm is a vt102 terminal emulator intended as a replacement for Eterm: xterm. It is designed with a Freedom of Choice philosophy, leaving as Eterm: much power, flexibility, and freedom as possible in the hands of the Eterm: user. It is designed to look good and work well, but takes a Eterm: feature-rich approach rather than one of minimalism. Current features Eterm: include color support, background images (all Imlib-supported formats), Eterm: theme support, and pseudo-transparency. Eterm: by avs