PACKAGE NAME: arno-iptables-firewall-1.9.2d-i486-1rha.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: net/firewall/arno-iptables-firewall PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 30 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 160 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: arno-iptables-firewall: arno-iptables-firewall (Arno's iptables firewall) arno-iptables-firewall: arno-iptables-firewall: A highly customizable iptables firewall script, arno-iptables-firewall: featuring stealth scan detection, extensive user- arno-iptables-firewall: definable logging, masquerading and port forwarding arno-iptables-firewall: (NAT), protection against SYN/ICMP flooding, etc. arno-iptables-firewall: It also includes a filter script (arno-fwfilter) to arno-iptables-firewall: make its logs more easily readable. arno-iptables-firewall: arno-iptables-firewall: For more information, arno-iptables-firewall: