PACKAGE NAME: gnome-common-2.26.0-i486-1rha.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: gnome/base/gnome-common PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 32 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 120 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: gnome-common: gnome-common by Slack.Sarava gnome-common: gnome-common: This module contains various files needed to bootstrap Gnome 2 gnome-common: modules built from CVS. It contains the following components: gnome-common: 1. A common "" script that can be used to configure a gnome-common: source directory checked out from CVS. gnome-common: 2. Some commonly used macros (quite a small set these days -- gnome-common: macros should be packaged with their respective modules). gnome-common: 3. Some files used to build user documentation. gnome-common: gnome-common: