PACKAGE NAME: argtable-10-i486-1rha.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: dev/libs/argtable PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 2951 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 4770 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: argtable: argtable argtable: argtable: Argtable is an ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command argtable: line arguments, as in "foo -abc -o myfile --help --count=7". argtable: It enables a program's command line syntax to be defined in argtable: the source code as an array of argtable structs. The default argtable: parsing, validation, and error reporting routines may be argtable: replaced by user-defined callbacks if desired, and new argtable: argtable data types may be created to parse user-defined argtable: argument types. The parsing itself is done using GNU argtable: getopt and so is 100% GNU compatible.